•Improved backplotting of Fanuc macros and subprograms
•New report functions: Disk and folder listings
•New STL and DXF viewer
•Additional improvements
•Install editNC
•Install and configure the license server
•Use editNC in a floating license environment
•Internal changes (64 bit program etc.)
•Multi-Path support
•Backplotter changes
•Appearance color styles
•Additional Okuma support
•Improved Fanuc expression handling
•Selecting blocks by tool
•Sequence Numbering (and risks thereof)
•Program Cosmetics
•Search Within a Program
•Searching For a File
•Changing word formats (e.g. X05.0 to X5.0000)
- Transform (Move)
- Rotate
- Speeds and feeds
- G2/G3 arc formats
- CL file to / from G-Code
- G-Code to / from Heidenhain
•Comparing CNC Programs
•General Analysis
- File information
- Min/max values
- Tool list
- Cycle time estimate
- Variable cross reference
- Geometry
- Programming